Music - Express Yourself

   Music plays an important role in our lives, we listen music to entertain us, to relax, to motivate us, to feel better. 
   We can define music as the art of expressing feelings and ideas with sounds combined in a specific manner. Every being on earth is gifted with the power to sing, to remove from the body a variety of sounds, attractive or repulsive.

  Man has adapted the style of singing, by associating words created by thoughts. Realizing rhymes between words, they are heard in a pleasant way by receptor, because it is easier to transmit the message.

Wristwatch intelligent accessory to show your personality

Many people prefer to have a watch because it's easy to see time, instead of having to dig the phone out. Other people prefer to have a watch as a fashion statement.
It can also be worn to show off your personality or your distinctive taste: from the whimsical (Mickey Mouse Disney inspired watch) to the financially successful

Why is reading the best for the brain?

Reading helps the brain to maintain neuronal connections in close contact so we can understand what is happening around us.
Every thought of the brain try to be released in words to be understood by people who talk. Reading keeps the mind sharp and expands a person's vocabulary.

Why B Vitamins are in energy drinks ?

If you look at a box with energy drink you will see that it has vitamin B
B vitamins enter in the composition of enzymes that regulate metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Their role is important in maintaining metabolic processes, chemical and physiological necessary for normal function.
B vitamins act favorably on the nervous system, improves blood circulation to the skin, prevent dryness and promotes regeneration and normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Vitamin B is recommended for:

Why japanese people are thin ?

If you go to visit Japan, or are you leaving there, you will see that people are thin because of their transportation style.
The Japanese are thin because they live an active lifestyle. They often commute to work by biking/train/walking or a combination of all three.
To own a car in Japan is expensive due to their environmental so they

Apricot kernels, amazing remedy

Treatment with the raw core of fruit can be an alternative to traditional methods to combat a variety of diseases.
Treatment success depends on dose compliance and dosing interval.
There are stones that are slightly toxic, as the plum or peach, and their use may give complications.
Apricot kernels contain vitamin B17, also known as the amygdalin, which is said